Thursday, July 24, 2014

first time....

bought myself a couple of cook books to keep my interest in food alive since i am basically tired of everything else. with all the shit that is going on in the world only food could get my mind of things.
also to keep me busy since i've got nothing much to do lately.
i've tried making and baking a lo of things before except for pizza. found a couple of recipes on the book that looked really tasty and easy. so i gave it a try.
i've always shy away from making pizza or anything that involves yeast. i had never got it right before. but luckily this time around it turned out well. 
i am quite pleased with how it turned out. act pretty proud of myself, even my brother (my biggest and cruelest critic) loved it. it wasnt exactly dominos worthy, its kinda bread-y then i expected it to be but yea at least its something.
will be trying out more recipes soon. it will sorta be a new segment in my blog, trying out recipe book. 
have a nice day, see u in my next post:>

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